April 29 is a special holiday for those who live in the rhythm of the dance, because this day is regarded as the World Dance day. So dance, express yourselves with the help of music, follow music rhythms! Stirring Art BizZ group will dance with you at the party. A lot of surprises, dance contests and modern tablet computers await you in Metro Club. Join us!
Для дівчат вхід безкоштовний: Пн-Нд до 00:00; для дівчат 22+ Пн-Нд протягом ночі / Free entry for girls: Mo-Su until 24:00; for girls aged 22+ Mo-Su during the night!
НАЯВНІСТЬ ДОКУМЕНТІВ, ЩО ЗАСВІДЧУЮТЬ ВІК ТА ОСОБУ - ОБОВ'ЯЗКОВА!!!!!/ It's obligatory to have the documents which verify your age and identity!!!!!
International METRO Club info-line +38-067-670-42-43, +38-063-732-00-07
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